Kwasi Asare Kente workshops, Juneteenth and the summer arts festival season

Hey friends — the summer festival season is here and Kwasi will be doing a number of events on the East Coast, and he will also be in Colorado for the Colorado Black Arts Festival July 12th – 14th. Kwasi did the Colorado Black Arts Festival last year and we had a wonderful time enjoying … More Kwasi Asare Kente workshops, Juneteenth and the summer arts festival season

Kwasi Asare to hold workshop with Lisa Shepard-Stewart and Cultured Expressions

Hey Friends – Kwasi will be holding a special Kente weaving workshop with writer and designer Lisa Shepard-Stewart, at her Cultured Expressions studio in Rahway, New Jersey, on Sunday, May 19, 2024, from 2 pm until 6 pm. It promises to be a wonderful event! Lisa Shepard-Stewart is an expert in African fabrics and aesthetics … More Kwasi Asare to hold workshop with Lisa Shepard-Stewart and Cultured Expressions

The Colorado Black Arts Festival: Expanding cultural contact through Kente weaving

This summer has been a wonderfully active and memorable summer for Kwasi Asare to promote and share his Kente cloth weaving! For the weekend of July 7th, 8th and 9th Kwasi traveled to Denver, Colorado for his first ever appearance at the Colorado Black Arts Festival. Kwasi he set up his traditional loom in an … More The Colorado Black Arts Festival: Expanding cultural contact through Kente weaving

A Wonderful Kente Weaving Educational Workshop for East Farms Elementary School Students

Just before the Memorial Day weekend, Kwasi Asare was back in his groove, doing Kente weaving workshops with elementary, middle school and high school students. Kwasi put on his Kente Weaving Educational workshop for 4th graders at East Farms Elementary School in Farmington, Connecticut on Thursday, May 25th; he did a series of 4 one-hour … More A Wonderful Kente Weaving Educational Workshop for East Farms Elementary School Students

Kente Cloth – A Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day!

Friends – Kente cloth is one of the best gifts you can give your mother on Mother’s Day! Kwasi Asare’s handmade, authentic Kente cloths are a gift representing African culture, heritage and dignity. Kente cloths can be used as wall hangings, or for household décor on tables, chairs and couches – or as personal, wearable … More Kente Cloth – A Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day!

A Kente Cloth Education Workshop for East Farms Elementary School, Farmington, Connecticut

Once again Kwasi Asare is doing one of his favorite activities – doing hands-on workshops teaching children about Kente cloth and the history and culture of Kente weaving! On Thursday, May 25th, 2023 at 9 am at East Farms Elementary School in Farmington, Connecticut, Kwasi will bring his small looms into the classroom and teach … More A Kente Cloth Education Workshop for East Farms Elementary School, Farmington, Connecticut

Vice President Kamala Harris visits Africa and Ghana

Once again, we are seeing the cultural influence of Kente cloth with politicians, in the national news. During their recent visit to Ghana, a lot of people got a big kick out of watching Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff wrapped in a full Kente robe, while Vice President Kamala Harris draped a much smaller Kente cloth … More Vice President Kamala Harris visits Africa and Ghana

Exploring Kente Weaving, History and Culture for Black History Month 2023

Once again, Black History Month is here and this is a great time for schools, churches and community organizations to explore the history, beauty and artistry of Kente cloth! As always, Kente master weaver Kwasi Asare is available for both online and live workshops and presentations on Kente during Black History Month. Kwasi’s live workshops … More Exploring Kente Weaving, History and Culture for Black History Month 2023